Monday, November 9, 2009

Child Development

The other day I was studying for my Child Development quiz with my friend Caroline and we came to this really funny part in our textbook. At least I thought it was funny...I don't really know if you will find it funny or not.

This is a recipe that a child wrote for a Turkey.

- 1 big bag full of whole turkey (get the kind with no feather, not the kind the pilgrims ate.
- a giant lump of stuffin'
- 1 squash pie
- 1 mint pie
- 2 little fancy dish of sour berries
- 1 big fancy dish of vegetable mix
- 20 dishes of all different kinds of candies; chocolate balls, cherry balls, good n' plenties, and peanuts

1) get up when the alarm says to and get busy fast. Unfold the turkey and open up the holes. Push in the stuffin' for a couple of hours. I think you get stuffin' from the farm that makes it.

2) I know you have to pin the stuffin' to the turkey or I suppose it would get out. And get special pins or use big long nails.

3) Get the kitchen real hot, and from then on just cook turkey. Sometimes you can call it a bird, but it's not.

4) Then you put the vegetables in the cooker-and first put one on top, and next put one on the bottom, and then one in the middle. That makes a vegetable mix. Put two red things of salt all in it and two red things of water too. Cook them to just 1/2 warm.

5) Put candies all around the place and Linda will bring over the pies.

6) When the company come put on your red apron.

I just thought this was really funny and it kinda fits this being November and almost Thanksgiving and everything.