Saturday, January 24, 2009

A Long Day!

Today, Friday, January 23rd was a really long day.

- 5:00 am~ This is the time that I usually wake up on a weekday because I have to get ready for seminary.

- 5:45 am~ Zach and I left for seminary at this time. We usually have to drive my dad to his van pool too so we leave a little earlier but today he was the one actually driving the van so we didn't have to drive him.

- 6:40 am~ Seminary starts at 6:00 and goes until about 6:40. In seminary our teacher makes the students teach once every 2 months. I had to teach on Tuesday and Nelson taught us today. He taught about the Savior's death.

- 7:45 am~ This is the time that I got to work. I'm not even supposed to be at work until 9:00 am and I can't even get into the building until then. So, I just sat out in my car and did homework. The only reason I got there so early was because I think it's pointless to go home and then have to leave again almost immediately and I didn't know how the traffic would be.

- 2:00 pm~ I got off work at this time. I usually get off work at 4:00 but she ran out of things for me to do today. I basically just made copies of various things. It was really boring. The plus side is I get $15 an hour.

2:30 pm~ I went to the mall. I hadn't eaten lunch so I got something to eat at A&W in the Food Court and then I went shopping. However, there isn't much you can buy with only $20. I ended up going to Bath and Body and I bought a lip gloss.

4:00 pm~ I went to my friend Andrew's house. I watched them (my friends Kristen, Andrew, Emmett, Casey, and Gretchen) play frisbee for a little while. I would've played too but I was in heels because I forgot to bring a change of shoes. Then we walked back to his house and made dinner. We had spaghetti, salad, green beans and bread. If Andrew is reading this he would probably say that we watched him cook dinner but what can you really do to help prepare spaghetti. You just put noodles in a pot and watch them boil...I did open a can of green beans though. Anyways.......the dinner was really yummy. Gretchen made a pie for dessert that was also really good.

6:45 pm~ We left Andrews house to go to a play at Everett High School. We all had to follow Andrew there because we had no idea how to get there. We followed in this order (Andrew, me, Kristen, Gretchen). At one point a car got in between me and Andrew so he pulled over into the shoulder. However, it was a very large shoulder and I thought it was a turning lane so I got over too and then Kristen got over and then Gretchen. Then we had to get back over into traffic. I'm sure the other cars thought we were idiots. haha. We all laughed really hard about that one.

9:15 pm~ The play ended at 9:15. It was really good. The reason we went was because an ORCA kid (Le Button) wrote it. He also directed it and wrote the music and played the music during the play. He's a very talented person. I got home at about 9:30 and watched TV for an hour before I went into bed. It was a very long day. I was gone for 15 hours but it was really fun too!

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