Wednesday, December 1, 2010

An update on life...

I have been horrible at writing on my blog in the past few months. So, I thought I would just catch you up on a few things. Nothing much has really happened. I've just been busy at school. My classes are going well. I like most of them except Education Technology and Math 108. The teacher for Education Technology just moves really fast and he is not very clear or concise about his directions. Math 108 is fine. It's just really easy for me. I hate going to the class because it's a repeat of 7th grade. lol. You may not believe me but it really is true. Other than those two classes, classes are going well. I have been regularly going into an elementary school. My teacher's name is Mrs. Lecheminant. She's great and she's a really good mentor for me. I've taught her class twice and she's told me what I did well and how I could improve. It's been a really good experience.

My roommates are pretty great too. We all get along most of the time and I am so grateful for that because it was not like that in a couple of my other apartments. It's been a pretty good semester in that regard as well.

Now I will tell you a little about my Thanksgiving Break (since nothing exciting really happened other than that). On Friday, I left for the Salt Lake Airport around 2:00. We got there around 6:00 and I waited around the airport for awhile because my flight didn't leave until 9:00 (or something like that). As I was sitting in the airport, I realized that I didn't have my debit card on me...I was really bummed about that because I was so hungry and I wanted to get dinner...but I couldn't. I got into Washington around 11:30 or so. We had to stay on the plane for about 30 minutes because the sky bridge was broken. Then we had to carry all of our luggage down the stairs because the escalator was broken. I was so relieved when I was able to get into my car and sit down and relax for a minute. Since I hadn't eaten anything, dad got me McDonalds on our way home. Jackson and Josh stayed up until I got home but Zach had a little problem with that. He fell asleep a few minutes before I got

Then, on Saturday I cleaned the house. I needed to clean because mom said she would pay me to be her housekeeper before our family got here. So, I worked on that all day. We also went to see the New Harry Potter movie. It was SO good! While we were in Harry Potter I saw one of my friends. Her name is Kristen Gilbert. It was so random to see her there but it was fun to catch up for a minute.

On Sunday we went to church. It was fun to see everyone from my home ward as well. I went to Young Womens with my mom so I could see all of them as well. Then we went home and I cleaned some more. For dinner mom made Stake and potatoes.

Then, Monday was my least favorite day. I got my wisdom teeth out. I went in at 10:00 and I was out by 10:45. I had anesthesia so I don't remember anything that happened. I only got the two top teeth out so it wasn't too bad. I wasn't really swollen or anything either. I slept for a lot of the day because I was worn out from the anesthesia. As the day went on I started to clean again. I didn't do much because I didn't feel good but I did what I could. Then, during the night I had some weird dreams. I think the anesthesia affected me that way. I kept waking up because I thought somebody was watching me. It was really strange.

On Tuesday I got a haircut. My dad drove me because it was snowing and I was nervous to drive in the snow. I got more highlights and low lights in my hair. That night Linda and Andy's family (and Grandma) got there. It took them 22 hours to drive from American Fork, UT to Marysville, WA. It should take about 13 hours. That's a LONG drive!! They were so grateful when they got here.

The rest of the week wasn't too exciting. We hung around the house a lot because the roads weren't too good. We went out to dinner on Saturday night. We went to the Buzz In. It was really good! Then, on Thanksgiving we had a great dinner made by my mom, grandma and Linda. YUM!! Then we stayed in and watched a movie as a family. The Follett's came over later that night and we played games. It was pretty fun! Then, on Friday we went Black Friday shopping in the morning. When we got back we just hung around the house and then we went out to dinner on Friday night. We went to the King Buffet. It's a Chinese Buffet and it's delicious! Jackson got baptized on Saturday and it was a great experience. I played the piano for it. That was good practice too. After the baptism, the Atwoods left and we just hung around the house. I started packing because I left on Sunday. I left at 7:30 in the morning and I didn't get back to Rexburg until 8:00 pm. It was LONG day of traveling. I kind of want to be back at home. I'm not a big fan of Rexburg, but I will get over that. It was a great week!

Now it's December 1st and we only have 3 weeks of school left and then I can go home!! I'm SO excited!!!

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