Saturday, November 5, 2011

Month of Thanks- Day 5

Last night my roommates, Megan and Emily, and I went to see the movie Abduction at the cheap theater. It was SO good!! I loved it a lot...and not just because Taylor Lautner is in it. :) It's one of my new favorite movies. However, when we walked out to go get shakes before we headed back home it was snowing. Not my favorite idea. Luckily I was wearing a nice coat. Remember a couple of days ago when I said I was thankful for the nice weather? Well I take it back! Now it's snowing outside. Today I'm thankful for hot chocolate, cozy blankets and Christmas music. Christmas just makes me so happy! I'm sitting her on my laptop drinking hot chocolate, cuddled up in my blanket and listening to my Christmas playlist on Pandora. Gotta love it!! I don't care if it's only the 5th of November. It's never too early for Christmas music. :)

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